Peer Review Process

The publishing house of the journal practices single blind peer review after review by the editors. After the appropriate decision of the editors, the manuscript is submitted for expert evaluation to the appropriate reviewer. The reviewer's comments are forwarded to the authors along with a possible recommendation for revision of the manuscript. The editor notifies the authors whether the manuscript is accepted as not requiring revision, or the authors are given the opportunity to revise the manuscript and submit it again, or the manuscript is rejected.

Average time for reviewing manuscripts: 5 days-10 days.

All articles submitted for publication are reviewed. The editors of the magazine determine the compliance of the articles of the magazine profile with the design requirements and send them to a specialist for review. Reviewing takes place according to a blind scheme. All correspondence between the reviewers and the author is conducted through the editorial office. If necessary, the manuscript can be sent for review to other reviewers additionally.

Review procedure:

  1. All submitted articles are registered at the time of manuscript submission in electronic form.
  2. The editors of the collection decide on the selection of reviewers for a given manuscript according to its topic, or the manuscript is rejected as not corresponding to the topic of the collection.
  3. Manuscript materials are submitted for review to designated reviewers. The result of the review is the reviewer's recommendation.

— In the case of a positive review, the manuscript is submitted to the editors for its preparation for publication.

— If it is necessary to revise the manuscript, a review is sent to the author along with all the comments and wishes of the reviewer.

— In the case of a negative review of the manuscript, the review with a refusal is sent to the author.

  1. After receiving the review results, the author prepares the necessary materials.

— In case of the need to revise the manuscript - prepares a revised version of the manuscript. The revised version of the manuscript is sent for re-review.

  1. A manuscript that has received a positive review is approved for publication by the editor and sent to the editorial office for further preparation for publication.

In addition to the speed with which information can be communicated to the research community, post-publication review (PPR) also has the potential advantage of facilitating dynamic discussion among researchers and eliciting input from a wider range of participants. Although pre-publication review is still considered best, the benefits of post-publication review are becoming equally recognized. Post-publication peer review can facilitate the dissemination of a manuscript, facilitate meaningful discussions and collaboration between researchers, and be an effective open science solution. Remarks, comments and suggestions for improving the manuscript can be sent to the editors for further transmission to the authors of the article.

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