Training courses as a factor of psychosocial teachers' support in the conditions of an armed conflict of an international character
the phase of active war actions, , the sustainability of the post and graduate teacher education system, the cognitive and emotional state of teachers, the motivation for professional development, psychological needs, the need for a structure, distance educationAbstract
The article is devoted to the question of determining the role of teachers' training in professional development courses in stabilizing their psycho and emotional state with psychosocial support from teachers during the active phase of an international armed conflict. The study is based on the results of a survey of teachers, which was carried out on the basis of voluntariness and anonymity. The hypothesis regarding the positive impact of psychosocial support of teachers during their distance training courses on the pleasure of their basic psychological needs, which leads to the stabilization of the emotional state and the restoration of the speed of cognitive processes during their abidance in the zone of armed conflict, has been tested and proven. It was established that there is a dependence between the teacher’s actual location (at home in the occupied territory; at home in the territory where active war actions are taking place nearby; at home in the territory controlled by Ukraine; in evacuation on the territory of Ukraine; in evacuation outside Ukraine) and the list of those needs that were satisfied during online learning courses. It is shown that effective training of teachers in conditions of armed conflict is possible only if they have a system of motives, among which internal positive ones dominate. Achieving the effectiveness and efficiency of training is also possible if the students' need for a structure is met, which is implemented by creating certain daily repeated algorithms and rituals of the cognitive activity of the course participants and visualization and schematization of the proposed materials. An important role is played by the interaction of course participants during group work on webinars, as well as the use of progressive muscle relaxation techniques, breathing techniques, body and oriented techniques, and positive thinking techniques. Teachers consider taking advanced training courses during the active phase of the armed conflict as an opportunity to drag away from thoughts about the war, stabilize their own emotional state. However, for a third of the trainees, the courses are a challenge, a test where there are constant problems with electricity and communication, and additional psychological pressure. Therefore, professional development of teaching staff during the active phase of the armed conflict should be carried out exclusively on public grounds.
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