Preparedness of university teachers for implementing inclusive education
inclusive education, preparedness, university teachers, inclusive competence, students with special educational needsAbstract
In the system of higher education of Ukraine, there is an increasing trend in the number of students with developmental disabilities, which determines the need for an urgent solution to the problem of training teachers to work in conditions of inclusion, because teachers without special training and preparedness for the implementation of inclusive education, unfortunately, are not able to adequately perceive the student with special educational needs. Pedagogical personnel of various specialties are subject to special requirements regarding the availability and mobilization of special knowledge, abilities and skills of organization, implementation, as well as organizational and methodological support of the inclusive educational process. Educationists are supposed to know the basics of correctional pedagogy and special psychology, to have a clear idea of the peculiarities of the psychophysical development of students with limited health abilities, of the methods and technologies of organizing the educational and rehabilitation process of such students. Professional and personal preparedness of the teacher to work with students with special educational needs within the framework of inclusive education presupposes, first of all, a certain level of formedness of inclusive competence as a component of his/her professional competence. The implementation of the ideas of inclusive education also actualizes the problem of developing a whole set of qualities based on the teacher’s individual resources, in particular: a certain level of emotional intelligence; empathy; self-control and self-regulation; physical and emotional endurance; flexibility, mobility and culture of professional thinking. In the conditions of inclusive education, attitudes of cooperation, humanistic orientation of the teacher, value attitude towards supportive models of communication and tolerance are of vital importance. The correct organization of the educational process, the balanced construction of pedagogical actions, the use of pedagogical innovations will be the key to the successful implementation of the ideas of inclusive education in higher education institutions.
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