Study of research on the concept of "bullying" and its types
bullying, harassment, bullyingdiscrimination, bully, teachers, participants of the educational process, psychological preventionAbstract
The problem of bullying is one of the most urgent in recent years for school psychologists and teachers. In teams where there is a division into diametrically opposite clans, it is impossible to achieve empathy, because the standards are very often intimidation, pain, overwhelming emotions and shouting, and therefore animal instincts are triggered. As a result of such pressure, the consciousness becomes very vulnerable, it is difficult to focus to give a decent rebuff, the ability to analyze how to get out of such a state of stupor is lost. There comes a state of psychological prostration - a kind of exhaustion of the body, its depression and complete helplessness, which can be manifested in inhibition of speech, blocking of thoughts, reduction of motor activity as a reaction to external stimuli. This study analyzes the conceptual and categorical apparatus related to bullying, reveals the deep meanings of other terms related to this term (the lexical load of the term can be expanded by other borrowed words with a common seme "bullying", "inflict pain". Therefore, we have paid much attention to such terms as "mobbing", "harassment", "body shaming", "hazing", "cyberbullying", "slatshaming", "stalking"); verification concepts have been systematized; theoretical analysis of this issue of different scientific schools has been carried out, the main approaches and principles in the formation of research on bullying have been studied. That is, the bullying as a scientific category and its components are considered, the psychological characteristics of victims are described in detail, the attention is focused on the fact that the chain "victim-predator" can manifest itself at different levels of communication and is subject to different age categories, regardless of gender.
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