Morphological and semantic features of the words of semantics state in modern English
words of semantics state, lexical potential, morphological features, semantic features, lexical-semantic groupsAbstract
Different approaches to determining the status of words of semantics state in modern linguistics are analyzed, the partial lexical potential of words of semantics state is outlined, the morphological and semantic features of words of semantics state in English are described, the attempt to divide words of semantics state into lexical-semantic groups is made in the article. It was noted that words of semantics state give a description of natural phenomena, physical and mental states of man, the core of words of semantics state in English is predicative adjectives in the predicate function. The basis of the study of words of semantics state in English is morphological features. The morphological characteristics of words of semantics state were singled out. It was found that morphologically words of semantics of the state are derived from adjectives, nouns and Participles II. Human perception is the basis in the division of words of semantics state into lexical and semantic groups. The growth of words of semantics state in English is due to the transition to them other parts of speech.
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