Valery Posvalyuk and Timofii Dokshitser: methodical strategies of the trumpeter’s professional skills
Trumpeter-performer, Teacher, Performing schools, Methods, Technical exercises of a trumpeter, Genre, Style, Intellectual basis of performing activityAbstract
The leading modern trumpeters T. Dokshytser and V. Posvalyuk in the process of performing and teaching activities formed and put into practice a unique method of training successful performers. These creative figures are brought together by the inseparability of two components, two functions in the space of culture: performer-teacher. The methods of their teaching activity are presented in didactic materials, special methodical works, in monographs and even in memoir literature. Their pedagogical systems were based around the best achievements of wind performance and teaching, developed by trumpet players of the Kyiv school in the first half of the 20th century. As faithful followers of the founders of trumpet pedagogy, they are distinguished by the syncretism of creativity and technology, and the reproduction of musical sound in performing and educational processes is equal to the act of Divine Creation. The basis of each pedagogical system is an individual group of exercises, but they are meaningful, semantically loaded and aimed at working out not only the mechanics, but also the creation of a meaningful basis for executive activity. An important place is given to problematic situations, heuristic searches for the correct reproduction of various strokes, the desire to understand various performing techniques, understanding the important differences contained in the techniques of attack, sound management, and means of combining sounds. It was T. Dokshytser and V. Posvalyuk who developed the method of forming the intellectual basis for the performing activities of young performers, not limiting the path to mastery of playing the trumpet only to technical aspects.
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