Compliment as a way of linguistic implementation of etiquette communication
communication nature, etiquette, world language picture, compliment, illocutionary act, perlocutionary act, social and psychological interaction, speech actAbstract
Modern linguistics is characterized by the desire to learn the complex nature of human communication, in which language, embodied in speech, is an important means of social interaction that allows people to influence each other's mental and practical activities. The successful study of the communication as one of the forms of social behavior, the identification of general patterns of the communicative process is impossible without a deep comprehensive analysis of the individual speech phenomena in a full range of numerous aspects (linguistic, socia, psychological, cognitive, ethnocultural, etc.). Communication is a social and psychological phenomenon which includes multifaceted spiritual and material forms of a human life. With the focus on the radical changes taking place today in Linguistics, the activity methodology, within the framework of which human communication is studied as a systematically organized activity, and the act of language communication is considered as a specific speech action, which constitutes a whole set of actions - interactions. The article considers the etiquette complementary speech act as a phenomenon that combines such categories as speech act, gender and socio-psychological interaction, the way of linguistic implementation of the etiquette complementary speech act in the Ukrainian language.
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