Axiological approach to the formation of speech culture of primary education students
culture, culture of speech, speech, education, students of primary education, institution of primary education, culture of communication, communicationAbstract
The author of the article notes that the level of language ability is always and will be decisive in the characteristics of the socio-cultural level of the people and of each citizen in particular. In the new socio-economic conditions of the development of statehood, the importance and requirements for the formation of a socially active, cultural and spiritually rich personality are increasing. One of the main conditions of this process is the acquisition by the students of the skills and abilities of fluent and competent command of their native language. The article states that the problem of communication culture of students of primary education, their upbringing as individuals cannot be solved without taking into account the norms of literary language and speech etiquette, which play a significant role in evaluating situations with verbal and non-verbal communication. Attention is focused on the idea that it is in primary education institutions that it is necessary to teach students to communicate, observing etiquette norms (verbal and non-verbal), which were formed over the centuries by many generations of Ukrainians, since the level of education and culture of the student is reflected in the manner of speaking, being able to express an opinion, carefully listen to the interlocutor, possess the power of the voice and intonation, in the wealth of speech etiquette. The article examines the problem of forming the communication culture of students of primary education, specifies the meaning of the concept of "speech culture", analyzes the issue of the formation of speech culture in the works of modern researchers, and determines the state of formation of the speech culture of younger schoolchildren in the practice of modern institutions of primary education in Ukraine.
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