Formation of logical thinking of primary education students in the process of solving mathematical problems
student of primary education, educational process, logical thinking, thinking, mathematics lesson, mathematical problemsAbstract
The author of the article notes that one of the tasks of the educational standard is to master the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, building reasoning, attribution to known concepts. The State Standard of Primary Education states that in the process of learning, the student is required to acquire the probability of mastering «the bases of logical and algorithmic thinking, writing and executing algorithms». Logic enables a person not only to think correctly, but also to speak convincingly, act intelligently and act rationally. However, first of all, it helps to clearly establish the truth, to separate it from delusion, to navigate in the world of accumulated knowledge, to obtain new knowledge by «processing» it without directly referring to experience. Therefore, one of the fundamental tasks facing the elementary school teacher is the creation of an independent logic of thinking that would allow children to make conclusions, make confirmations, expressions that are logically related to each other, make decisions, confirming personal propositions, and ultimately as a result, in the absence of the help of others to acquire knowledge. Mathematics, in fact, is the subject in which it is allowed to do this in a vivid way.
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