Preparation of future teachers for civic education of junior schoolchildren: multifaceted views
civic education of junior schoolchildren, personal, practicing and competence approaches, preparation of the future teacher for civics education of pupilsAbstract
the specifics of training a future teacher to civic education of primary school pupils from the standpoint of personal, practicing and competence approaches is analyzed in the article. The personal approach is considered as dominant in the process of professional training of a specialist, which contributes to the disclosure of potential opportunities, implementation of personally significant and socially accepted self-determination, self-realization and self-affirmation of the personality of future teachers. The important role of the practicing approach is noted, which involves such a form of activity of the student, in the process of which he consciously achieves set goals, which are formed as a result of the emergence of certain needs of the individual. Emphasis is placed on the uniqueness of the competence approach, which is determined by the requirements of reforming the national education system. The main definitions around the determination of a teacher's professional and pedagogical training and readiness of students to educational activities are presented in different ways, conceptual approaches to determining the professional training of a future teacher are analyzed. The views of scientists on features of formation of civic consciousness of students of higher education are highlighted. The relevancy of establishing personally oriented relations between the teacher and pupils in the educational process of the comprehensive school of the first degree is observed. It is emphasized that the educational essence of such interaction contributes to the cognitive-emotional exchange of the subjects of the educational process, increases the significance of the student's personality for the teacher, helps to value perception the personality of the other and creates conditions for the mutual growth of teachers and pupils of primary school. One of the leading ones is the thesis about readiness as a result of higher activity of the pedagogical school of Ukraine, as a kind of professional innovation that characterizes a new type of a teacher's personality in the conditions of a legal state with priorities of humanism and democracy. The result of preparing students for extracurricular educational work is the formation of professional and educational competence, in the structure of which the following components are distinguished: cognitive educational competence, constructive-educational competence, regulatory-evaluative competence. The main components of readiness for pedagogical activities considered by scientists are motivational (axiological or value-motivational), which includes needs and motives; content-procedural (content, cognitive-orientational or motivational-cognitive), which implies the presence of theoretical knowledge and understanding of the essence of one or another activities; projective and constructive (procedural, praxeological, operational, active-operational or reflective), which records the necessary practical skills. Based on the research analysis of the problem of future teachers training, the preparation of future teachers for civic education of primary school students is defined as a conscious, personally meaningful and internally perceived process of forming students' readiness to carry out civic education of primary school students. The readiness of the future teacher for civic education is the state of formation of professional competence to carry out civic education of junior schoolchildren, which is characterized by the presence of motivational-value, intellectual-cognitive and creative-activity components.
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