Features of the Life-meaning Orientations of Student Youth
life-meaning orientations, personal values, student age, value-meaning sphere of personalityAbstract
The article presents results of the study of the characteristics of the life-meaning orientations of student youth. The relevance of the study the life-meaning orientations in the student age is determined by the crucial importance of this age stage in the formation of the individual value system and personal worldview, which open up the further possibility of creating an internal, autonomous system of personal orientations and the content of the personal value-meaning sphere. Analysis of the scientific literature has made it possible to highlight the main trends in defining the life-meaning orientations: complex social and psychological formations that are caused by vital relationships between people; determinants of direction with limits of self-realization; the consequence of determining life goals according to a certain system of values associated with the idea of self-realization, which is specified in life plans and strategies. Manifestation features of the life-meaning orientations of student youth have been empirically investigated. It has been found that the students are characterized by awareness of life, the presence of goals in the future, perceive the process of their life as interesting, emotionally saturated and filled with meaning. At the same time, they are insufficiently satisfied with personal self-realization and the lived part of life, they are not convinced of their own ability to control the events of their lives, freely make decisions and implement them. A comparative analysis of meaningful life orientations of students of different professional specializations (humanitarian and technical) has been carried out. It has been established that the life-meaning orientations have a certain specificity in student age, but do not statistically differ depending on the direction of professional training. Featurees of the development of personal values of students have been empirically investigated. It has been concluded that the most significant values for students were the values of humanity (love, kindness, social intelligence, willingness and ability to maintain friendly relations with others) and transcendence (appreciation of beauty and outstanding achievements; gratitude, hope, humor, spirituality).
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