Problems of the concept of distance education for medical university students
distance learning, memory, educational process, online learningAbstract
Distance learning (DL) turned out to be an effective auxiliary element of the training of the student of the educational process in the global educational sense. During the quarantine period, the universities recreated the systemic nature of the DL process, which is aimed at comprehensive, comprehensive, competent training of students. Given the current military events in Ukraine, it is currently impossible to predict the duration of the war. Therefore, in the conditions of the created situation, the idea of strengthening the set of student training materials and developing fundamentally new teaching technologies taking into account cognitive aspects is natural. In addition, online learning revealed a number of problems: the perception and significance of the teacher, the irrelevance of demonstration materials, the lack of adequate feedback, the decrease in the level of knowledge over time, which is largely due to the decrease in the feeling of realism of the educational process. In the conditions of the educational system, for the purpose of a high-quality educational process, teachers need to use new, creative ideas for the representation of information, create appropriate accents, use elements of repetition in methodical materials, regularly collect feedback in order to improve the effectiveness of current classes. For students, regular repetition of studied materials, quality and adequate sleep, which should meet individual needs, are relevant. Sufficient physical activity during the week is necessary for certain stimulation of brain resources.
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