Use of phraseologisms in lessons from the Ukrainian language as a necessary element formation of language culture of future specialists
phraseology, phraseological units, culture of professional speech, literary language, language culture, professional cultureAbstract
In our study, we analyze the functioning of the phrase in the business communication of students, the study of the phraseological units role in the speech of a modern specialist. The purpose of our research is to highlight the communicative approach to the study of phraseology by students of the any profile and the role of sustained idioms in the formation of their professional culture. The relevance of the study is determined not only by its appeal to the extremely popular topic of phraseology in linguistics, but also by the need to cultivate a conscious desire to study the linguistic heritage of the native state in official business speech. An important aspect of the professional language training of higher education students is their knowledge of the phraseological norms of the modern Ukrainian literary language during the study of the Ukrainian language in a professional direction. In fact, in terms of idiomatic versatility we find historical past of the people, their customs, traditions and culture, reflected most accurately mentality. Idiom, as a component of culture, at the same time acts as a mirror of popular philosophy and point to the linguistic culture of other nations. Native idioms, in this dimension, show an individual identifier powerful socio-cultural sustainability, which reveals the inextricable link of individual human units with integral social organism, which is the nation.
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