Using Kahoot service for conducting interactive surveys of undergraduates
Kahoot service, interactive surveys, distance learning, information and communication technologies, participants of the educational processAbstract
The article singles out the importance and necessity of the transition of higher education to distance learning, caused by the rapid development of information and communication technologies. Distance learning involves interactive cooperation between the participants of the educational process. Moreover, it implies the active use of computer and telecommunication technologies at different stages of educational activities (during theoretical and practical training, tests and individual work). Nowadays, the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process is realized through online conferences and chats, creating visualizations (presentations, interactive posters, video content), making intelligence maps, working together on an interactive whiteboard, using cloud storage, designing interactive exercises, tasks and polls, etc. Interactive polls play an important role in providing feedback to participants in the educational process. There are a number of online services for conducting surveys and polls, among them the most popular are TestDel, Brambench, Neyron, OpenTEST, Tests Online, MyTest, x-TLS, Kahoot, Plickers, Quizalize, Mentimeter, Nearpod, Google Forms, testing in the MOODLe environment and others. The use of Kahoot service is widespread in the educational process of high school. The advantage of Kahoot service is the simultaneous involvement of fifty participants in the survey, the presence of competition among students during educational games, bright colors and soundtrack. The paper describes the registration procedure on the Kahoot platform. The tools for creating interactive polls are considered, step-by-step sequence of creating surveys for undergraduates is presented. Kahoot service allows you to create three forms of interactive learning tasks: quiz "Quiz" (assessing the level of students' mastery of theoretical material), discussion "Discussion" (organizing a discussion on a particular issue), and survey "Survey" (collecting opinions on a problem).
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Синхронне й асинхронне дистанційне навчання URL:
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