Lessons of peace, lessons of war. (Ukrainian higher school in extreme conditions: experience in preparing future journalists after February 24, 2022)
social communications, armed conflict, student television and radio programs, educationAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of functioning and development of higher education in the conditions of war. The paradoxical influence on asynchronous wartime education of the previous experience of distance teaching developed during the viral pandemic is investigated. For the first time, empirical data on a shortened and concentrated presentation of knowledge from the journalism profession was introduced into scientific circulation. The topic is disclosed within the methodology available during martial law. The subject of the article is pedagogical means of overcoming the crisis phenomena of education caused by the war; the object is journalistic education after the Russian armed invasion. The goal is to optimize journalism pedagogy by summarizing teaching experience during the hot phase of an armed conflict; the task is to collect relevant relevant data, analyze and present them in forms useful for educational practice. The experience of higher education, in particular in distance forms and in the conditions of the hot phase of the hybrid war, has not yet been sufficiently studied. The novelty of the topic consists in substantiating the possibilities of adapting both traditional teaching methods and innovative high-tech tools of knowledge dissemination to the crisis circumstances caused by the war. The topic needs further research. At the same time, without fixing and approbation of the intermediate results of the study of the experience of the Ukrainian higher school during the war, such studies are unlikely to be possible.
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