Theoretical and methodological study of gnosis as an integrator of sensory information in the context of sensorimotor development of children with autism spectrum disorders
children with autism spectrum disorder, gnosis, sensorimotor development, integration of sensory information, sensory abilities, sense organs, cognitive activity, adaptationAbstract
The article examines the problem of processing information coming from different sensory channels in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The author conducted an analysis of the scientific literature, which examines the concept of gnosis, its composition and parameters in the context of sensorimotor development. The domestic and foreign theoretical experience of studying gnosis as an integrator of sensory information received through various analyzers is highlighted. The views of scientists on the study of visual and auditory function as part of gnosis are analyzed. The emergence of the objective character of gnosis as part of psychophysical development is described. The theoretical views of the formation of gnosis in children with ASD are summarized. Its variability is noted as a characteristic feature of the special development of the sensorimotor sphere. The importance of gnosis in the sensorimotor development of a child with ASD has been clarified. The influence of the limit of comfortable perception of information on the formation of the image of the object is determined. The composition of visual, auditory and bodily gnosis has been specified. It is noted that visual and auditory gnosis helps to form a complete image of an object, establishes and evaluates its physical characteristics, organizes movement and affects various areas of the child's mental development. Visual gnosis is in constant connection with auditory. Their interaction helps the child to understand the environment, navigate in it and explore it. The literature was analyzed, which reveals the ability to distinguish tactile stimuli as an external direction of tactile information processing. After all, it provides an opportunity to perceive and perceive the location or change of an external stimulus. It was found that the gnosis of a child with ASD is unable to actively process sensory impressions; perceive multisensory stimulation. The article defines the relationship and interpenetration of sensory impressions and the presence of duplication of sensory functions in the process of perception. A scheme of gnosis as an integrator of sensorimotor information is proposed. It was determined that the perspective of the research will be the understanding of the formation of gnosis in the context of sensorimotor development of children with different degrees of severity of autism.
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