The role and place of volleyball in the formation of the personality of young sportsman
volleyball, sportsman, volleyball player, educational and training process, competition, personality, emotions, moral and volitional qualitiesAbstract
The theoretical analysis of the psychological component of the sportsman's personality, who playing volleyball in this article. This made it possible to find out the most significant psychological features of the athlete's personality. There are temperament, character, abilities, mobility of the nervous system, motives and needs.
Well-being, activity, mood are certain manifestations of psychological qualities, the psychological state of a young volleyball player. It has been established that sports competitions are an effective means of mental development of a sportsman, which includes volitional and emotional factors of the psychology of rivalry. The mental states of the volleyball player before and after the competition have been distinguished, there are starting fever, starting apathy, combat readiness. The negative manifestations of the player's mental state in the event of defeat at the competition have been identified, there are depression, self-doubt, disappointment, envy, unwillingness to exercise, refusal to do sports, etc.
It has been established that one of the main tasks of the sportsman's personality development, which are solved in competitive activities, is the formation of an adequate reaction to successes and failures.
The peculiarities of the manifestation of emotional and volitional qualities of young volleyball players have been clarified, there are independence and initiative, determination and courage, endurance and self-control, purposefulness, perseverance. These qualities are the key to the high performance of the sports activities of a volleyball player.
If the educational and training process are qualitatively organized, they contribute not only to the development of physical qualities in young volleyball players, but also form a sense of collectivism, discipline, will, moral stability, the ability to overcome difficulties, the ability to control one's emotions.
As a result of overcoming the difficulties and obstacles. which is inherent in the game of volleyball, the formation of the mentioned volitional manifestations in young volleyball players is taking place.
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