Naturalistic features in the works of Lyubov Yanovskaya
naturalism, naturalistic features, works of Lyubov Yanovska, documentary, objectivityAbstract
In the article, a literary analysis of Lyubov Yanovska's works "The Death of Makarikha", "The Thief Oksana", "The Ideal Father" was carried out in order to identify naturalistic features. The considered works revealed the use of naturalistic components: documentary recording of events, true depiction of the life of heroes; objective reflection of reality without the author's presence; reproduction of the influence of physiological factors and the surrounding environment on the behavior of the characters and the events; detailed reproduction of elements of the material environment; photographic representation of events as a result of their scientifically accurate study by the author of the works. In the story "The Death of Makarikha" the writer turns to the way of presenting information like in protocol for an objective reflection of events, adheres to documentary in artistic depiction. The author resorts to a nominative description of nature, naming only certain of its features, reproduces the scene of the heroine's severe illness and death. The author presents the description of the life of the sick Makarikha with naturalistic features in the display of difficult physiological characteristics. The writer resorts to reproducing difficult events from Tatyana's life and her despair in order to convey to the reader the difficulty of this person's achievements. Makar's life is also presented in the story in accordance with a naturalistic image, as a person who has problems in overcoming new difficult circumstances. In the story the image of a priest is used to emphasize the contrast between what was happening and how things should be. In the story "The Ideal Father" the writer focuses on the depiction of the fate of an ordinary Ukrainian young man who died while doing hard work at a mill. The story naturalistically reproduces the psychological state of the character and his interlocutors, his efforts to overcome the situation of non-acceptance of his actions and deeds by others, and the death of this young man during hard labor. The story "Thief Oksana" depicts Oksana's life in a naturalistic way, with a reproduction of the environment in which she lives, and an emphasis on it’s heavy impact on her life. Social conditions and the indifference of the people and environment negatively affect Oksana's life, as a result of which she, with a small child in her arms, remains without money and should be sat to the prison, which determines her future fate as a woman-thief who no longer has the right to claim the ordinary life.
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