Problems of gender discrimination of women in the texts of the English-language anecdotes




anecdote, humor, discrimination, joke, sexism, socialization


The article raises the issue of gender discrimination of women in the English-language humorous texts. Sexism (or discrimination against women) is a difference or exclusion of limitation based on sex, aimed at weakening or negating the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women of human rights and fundamental freedoms in social, cultural, political, economic, civil or any other industry. The concept of sexism began to be used by feminists to define actions and ideologies that meant discrimination against women. The feminist movement also aimed to show the public that this phenomenon is no less inappropriate and unjust than those that condemn and are directed against representatives of another faith, race or political ideas. Only the appearance of the very term «sexism» to denote and condemn discrimination of one sex against another shows that this was a huge step in the development of social consciousness, compared to the fact that earlier such discrimination was considered the norm and natural state of affairs, according to which certain functions and social roles were defined for women. Sexist stereotypes, which are themselves the result of inequality between the sexes, in turn become a tool that promotes further gender discrimination. The younger the children, the less they are able to resist powerful stereotypes aimed at representing the opposite sex, using its generally accepted properties, qualities, characteristics and shortcomings. But in light of the events taking place, gender discrimination is losing its influence and equality is emerging. The most popular sources of sexist stereotypes are vividly depicted in the English-language humorous texts, which to the greatest extent concentrate everyday appreciation. The main means of the English-language jokes is exaggeration and ridicule of female character traits. The results of the analysis allow us to say that the English-language jokes that contain a discriminatory component in relation to women are characterized by stereotyping of thought, and the main part of them can be divided into categories: jokes about grumpy women; jokes about the limited mental abilities of women; jokes about housework; jokes about women driving; jokes about greed and mercantilism of women and others.


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How to Cite

Ptushka, A. (2023). Problems of gender discrimination of women in the texts of the English-language anecdotes. International Science Journal of Education & Linguistics, 2(3), 106–113.