

professional competence, reflexive component, future psychologist, educational institution


The article analyzes the professional reflection in the structure of professional competence, as a result of the training of future psychologists, that includes the readiness of the psychologists to evaluate and self-assess professional activity and the results obtained, to make timely adjustments to professional activities, to carry out analysis and forecasts. It is determined that in the professional activity of the psychologist’s intellectual, cooperative, social-perceptual, personal and communicative types of reflection are presented. Reflection carries out design, organizational, communicative, semantic, motivational, corrective functions. Reflexive skills that are characterized by generalization, possessing the property of transfer, and promote the development of other types of skills, provide self-regulation activities and interaction, self-improvement and self-development of the psychologist's personality. In the process of reflection the self-knowledge, self-development and self-regulation of personality are provided. Reflection involves self-control, consciousness of action. The professional reflection of a qualified specialist in the field of practical psychology is multidirectional, coregent and multi-level, is considered as an ability that ensures the formation of the skill of systematic analysis with further creative activation of one's professional activity and therefore requires purposeful formation. In the concept of professional development of the psychologists, reflection is seen as a means of solving intrapersonal contradictions, the cause of which is inconsistency between "I-real", "I-ideal" and "I-reflexive". The result of personal reflection is the "image of me" of the psychologist as a generalized system of representations of the subject about itself, formed as a result of the processes of awareness of itself in three complementary systems: in the system of professional activity, in the system of professional communication and in the system of personal development. The systematic exercise of reflexive activity by the psychologist helps to establish its professional competence. That is why future psychologists need the formation of professional reflection of already while studying in a higher educational institution, in order to develop and improve them during their professional activities.


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How to Cite

Aleksіeіenko-Lemovska L. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REFLEXIVE OF FUTURE PSYCHOLOGISTS. International Science Journal of Education & Linguistics, 1(3), 97–106. Retrieved from