Dialogical learning as a means of developing students' communicative skills in a specialized school
dialogical learning, communicative abilities, models and methods of learning, active forms of learning, pedagogical technologies, dialogue, communicationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the dialogic approach in the educational process. It is noted that the basis of modern methodical innovations is a systemic activity approach, which includes independent searching and reflective activity of students during the educational process, on the basis of which universal educational actions are formed. The main connecting element between the teacher and students in the conditions of modern education is educational dialogue, which, in turn, is considered not only as a method of working on the content of the lesson, but also as a form of organizing the educational process.The author examines the specifics of the dialogic approach, describes its principles and features. The article also presents various methods that can be used in the dialogic educational process, such as methods of interactive lessons, discussions, business game technologies, and other practices.In the article, based on the analysis of research results, conclusions are drawn regarding the interest of students in active forms of learning. It is noted that teaching models and methods should be focused on the dialogic nature of the relationship between students and the teacher. The effectiveness of dialogic educational process methods increases due to the fact that students begin to consider dialogue as a joint search for an answer to a given question.The author suggests using a dialogic approach as a basis for learning a foreign language, as it allows creating a communicative environment in which students can develop communication skills and improve their ability to understand a foreign language.It is emphasized that the dialogic educational process is an effective method of learning and personal development, which includes active interaction of participants, exchange of experiences, analysis and discussion of different points of view.In general, the topic of dialogic learning in foreign language lessons is important for improving the quality of language learning and developing students' communication skills. Research in this area can help teachers and researchers better understand the learning process and develop more effective methods and techniques to achieve this goal.
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