Speech Act Theories in the ХХІ century
discourse, speech act, perlocutionary act, illocutionary act, implicatures of communication, communicative situation, speech behaviorAbstract
Based on the principle that any object-system is always a part of the more extensive object and performs a certain function in it. A human language is considered an integral part of social systems, which are, at the same time, a type of more general class of self-managed systems. The functional node, in which the phenomenon of language occurs in such systems, is a communicative subsystem (communicative situation), i.e., the area where the information is transferred from one member of the self-managed system to another. Constant mutual information is an essential condition for their successful cooperation, and coordination of efforts in the joint performance of a certain integral function of the self-managed system within the limits of a more general natural system. Language aims at information flows in communicative subsystems of self-managed systems, therefore it depends directly on the characteristics of these flows. An increase in the amount of information occurred in the development process of society's communication system and caused the formation of specialized information spheres that allow us to cope with a large volume and variety of information coming from the outside. This leads to the formation of different functional varieties of language, styles, which are a form of adaptation of speech behavior to different conditions.References
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