Study of the level of readiness of correctional teachers for teamwork in teaching children with special educational needs
teamwork, readiness, corrective teacher, value-motivational component, change component, active component, special component, formation rateAbstract
The article shows the results of raising the level of readiness of corrective teachers of various backgrounds for children with special lighting needs to teamwork in trained children with special lighting needs, up to the indicated structure of readiness to team work. Appointed the level of formation in correctional teachers in inclusive mortgages of central secondary education, special mortgages in central secondary education, inclusive resource centers, rehabilitation mortgages for children and a special child care home such structural components of readiness to teamwork as: valuable and motivational, which includes the criterion of the value of team work, which transfers the status to team work and the need in the professional activity of a correctional teacher and the criterion of motivation to team work, which angry correctional teacher to practice in the team; substantive component, which includes a categorical criterion, which conveys the knowledge of the general knowledge of the team work and the procedural criterion, which is used in the knowledge of the safety of the command approach in the training of children with special knowledge other needs; a dynamic component, which includes an adaptive criterion, which conveys the ability to reduce the availability of brains for work in a team and the social criterion that influences the ability to become a team player; a special component, which combines emotional criteria, which conveys emotional awareness and communicative and organizational criteria, which conveys the visibility of communicative and organizational skills among correctional teachers.References
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