Modern ways and principles of modernization of educational programs of foreign language training of philology masters in Ukraine
education; educational program development technology; principles of program modernization; approaches to the formation of educational programs; foreign language training of philology mastersAbstract
The conceptual ideas regarding the program provision for the training of masters - teachers / lecturers of foreign languages at the current stage of higher education reform in Ukraine are highlighted. The contradictions that arise on the way of program creation and are noticeable in the implementation of educational programs are updated, the key positions and approaches to their development are revealed in the context of transformational changes in higher education and European integration. The development of educational programs is connected with a competency-based approach to planning and conducting student-centered training, implemented in the conditions of systemic interaction between training results and set competencies. The priority for the development of educational programs is the principle of interaction of the content of education with the forms and methods of educational activity, which means the interrelation of content and formal aspects of education and is a powerful driving force of educational activity. The key program professional competence of a master's graduate is determined by his professional readiness and personal ability to integrate conceptual ideas, knowledge and hypotheses and successfully perform complex tasks of industrial content and innovative nature in the field of education, the subject potential of master's degrees and, accordingly, the problem-conceptual characteristics of the educational program are actualized. The cultural nature of the formation of a modern educational program is emphasized, which implies the technological nature of the program-making process and means its standardization and structuring, which entails a conscious calculation of the content of education and the expected results of educational activities. The concept of educational program development technology is introduced, the prospects for its modernization in general are revealed. The article is intended for teachers and students who research the history of pedagogy and the methodology of developing educational programs in the field of higher education.References
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