innovative technologies for activating the reading activity of school students
innovative technologies, reading competence, method, design method, reception, conversationAbstract
the article reveals the problem of introducing innovative technologies into the literary education of an institution of general secondary education of the senior level. Attention is drawn to the fact that innovations in education contribute to the improvement of the interaction between theory and practice, the emergence of new ideas, tools, and practices, thanks to which the reading activity of schoolchildren increases. Dialogic innovations that diversify the educational process, give it non-standard, original forms (informative, analytical, summary, heuristic conversations) play a significant role in the senior echelon. Problem-based learning methods are important (students can publicly discuss the raised problems in the form of a round table, talk show, expert group meeting, forum, symposium, debate, aquarium). Heuristic learning methods have gained significant effectiveness: brainstorming or storming, brainstorming. They are used for the purpose of developing activity, determination, creative imagination, thinking of students-readers. The design method has become interesting and undeniably necessary in the modern school. The ideas of the project work on the study of Ukrainian literature were often determined by the intention to overcome difficulties during the analysis of the epic work. Qualities of a qualified reader are tested with the help of the games "Literary Lottery", "Where does the quote lead", "Bureau of literary finds", "Basket", "Yes or no", "Free writing", "What? Where? When?" etc. Especially significant in the modern school is the use of information and communication technologies, which is not only gaining popularity, but also significantly affects the level of reading activity. Its implementation in the educational process still needs a comprehensive study. The use of innovative technologies expands the communicative environment of schoolchildren, promotes the development of their critical and creative thinking.References
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