Foregn language training of specialists in higher educational institutions of Ukraine and the republic of Poland in the context of theEuropean language policy: experience and prospects




foreign language training, the All-European recommendations on language education, foreign language proficiency, globalization, multilingualism, communicative competence, mobility, cooperation


The article deals with the problem of foreign language training of specialists in higher educational institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland in the context of the European language policy. The aim of the study is to determine the features of specialists’ foreign language training in the higher education system of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland in the context of the European language policy and to analyze the main provisions of the All-European recommendations on language education regarding the level of foreign language proficiency and criteria for assessing the knowledge and skills of students in Ukraine and Poland. The author underlines that foreign language training of specialists of any profile in modern Europe directly relates to the guiding principles of language policy of the European Union, concentrates around basic life competencies of the individual, needs and challenges caused by the globalization of the modern world, including linguistic issues, the provisions of the Bologna Declaration on the construction of a single European educational space. The study of modern trends in foreign language education in universities of Ukraine and Poland shows the interest of the institutions of the Council of Europe and the European Union in the state of problems of foreign language education and support for its solution. It has been substantiated that the European Union has determined the main criteria and indicators of foreign language training of specialists, and has determined the language proficiency requirements for Ukrainian and Polish graduates universities.


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How to Cite

Maiboroda, R. (2024). Foregn language training of specialists in higher educational institutions of Ukraine and the republic of Poland in the context of theEuropean language policy: experience and prospects. International Science Journal of Education & Linguistics, 3(1), 47–62.



Theory, practice and methods of education