Use of artificial intelligence in higher education: state and trends
artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, higher education, academic integrity, technologies of AI, system of education, digital transformationAbstract
The article is devoted to the actual problem of the use of artificial intelligence in higher education. The state and development trends of artificial intelligence (AI) are considered, the importance of studying this problem and the need for further research are substantiated, considering its impact on academic integrity, quality and success of studies. The new technology is rapidly gaining its popularity and is widely used in the educational process and scientific research. This requires educators to urgently upgrade not only the assessment and control system, but also the entire paradigm of higher education. Processes of globalization, digital transformation of the economy and society, rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies require adaptation of many spheres of life and activity, and educational first of all. Educators are faced with the need to review and critically evaluate approaches to learning, assess all advantages and disadvantages of using AI in the educational process. The article considers existing approaches to the use of AI and GPTchat, in particular, the existing experience of foreign and Ukrainian scientists and practitioners is analyzed, the main thoughts regarding the further development and regulation of AI at both international and national levels are highlighted. The existing regulatory and legal framework and that is actively being formed, the current practice of developing and implementing AI programs in education have been researched. It is concluded that the higher education sector needs to adapt its approaches to learning, teaching and assessment in such a way that AI to be used effectively and appropriately, based on academic integrity. It is extremely necessary to create certain rules for the use of AI, or, at least, to start and remain an active discussion on the issue. This will allow the formation of ethical and civic competences in the university community, will help to reduce negative and increase positive consequences of the use of AI technologies and tools of AI.References
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