Expanding the potential vocabulary of students-philologist: methods of semanticizing the potential lexicon
potential vocabulary, potential lexica, semanticization of potential vocabulary, students-philologists, extension of potential vocabularyAbstract
The article reveals the ways of semanticizing potential vocabulary to expand the potential lexics of students-philologist. It was determined that the potential vocabulary of students- philologist includes normative, derivative and idiomatic groups of unfamiliar lexical units of English, which can be self-intelligible when formed using familiar grammatical methods or with the help of context, and intuitive feelings. The methods of semanticization of students' potential vocabulary are established, which include: the isolation of cognate words that facilitate the understanding of the text, and the semanticization of the meaning of words according to the nature of lexical units and the features of their derivation (groups of simple, complicated and complex derivation). Extension of the potential vocabulary is carried out on the basis of suffixation, prefixation, parasynthetic formation, conversion, international words, ambiguity, and phraseological units. It was found that the introduction of lexics should be carried out taking into account the semantic connections of words in a syntagm or paradigm to reveal external connections. The internal connections and properties of the word can be revealed using the means of a foreign language (method of semanticization without translation) or native language (translated method of semanticization). The types of exercises based on the semanticization of students’ potential vocabulary are provided (informational, operational and motivational). The stages of potential vocabulary formation are summarized: 1) correlation of unstudied words with mastered basic words; 2) recognition of lexical units based on systematization of their meanings and comparison of grammatical forms; 3) establishing difficulties in understanding potential vocabulary; 4) systematization of potential vocabulary based on logical conclusion, linguistic guess, context of its application. Further research on the problem of extending students’ potential vocabulary can be carried out by intervention of contextual semantics into the system of exercises for the formation of a potential vocabulary.References
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