The role of the language environment in foreign language classes
communicative competence, foreign language, immersive environment, language environment, teaching method, teaching strategyAbstract
Creating and implementing a favorable language environment in foreign language classes is an important tool for effective language teaching to students and improving their language competence. The language environment is a complex, and dynamic concept that includes the physical environment, its participants, cultural context and social norms that regulate language use. The language environment has a significant impact on a person's linguistic, cognitive, and cultural development. The use of authentic materials, interactive teaching methods, modern technologies, and immersive methods of foreign language learning contribute to the development of professional competencies of future specialists. It is important to take into account socio-cultural elements such as literature, films and music to create a language environment that facilitates the acquisition of language skills and the development of general foreign language competence. The successful implementation of the strategy of creating a foreign language environment has been greatly facilitated by the integration of modern technologies that provide access to a wealth of information and resources. Interactive methods such as group work and pair work can create a collaborative learning environment that encourages learners to engage in meaningful communication. Teachers can use strategies such as SWOT analysis and project work to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching methods and develop targeted strategies to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to further learning of specific topics or the target language in general. The language environment plays a crucial role in assessing students' language proficiency, as it provides opportunities to practice the target language communication, followed by teacher feedback. A dynamic language environment reflects the realities of today and contributes to the comprehensive development of competent professionals.References
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