Selection of AI-based services for creating visual learning content
artificial intelligence, AI, artificial intelligence technology, visualization, learning content, visual learning content, service, platformAbstract
the article discusses artificial intelligence-based services for creating visual content that can be used by teachers in the educational process, i.e., for creating visualization tools. The growing interest and need for the use of digital technologies in education creates a need to find and select effective tools that will allow teachers to optimize the learning process. Given the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, scientists are increasingly exploring the possibilities of its use in educational activities. We believe that artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize education by providing students with access to more interesting, engaging, and effective learning materials. One of the ways artificial intelligence can be used in education is to create visualization tools for learning material. Visual learning content, such as images, presentations, and videos, can be more effective for learning than traditional teaching materials. It can help learners better understand complex scientific concepts, make them more interested in learning, and increase their motivation. There are many AI-based services that can be used to create visual learning content. These services offer different features and capabilities, so it's important to choose the one that best suits your needs. Among the services for creating visual content, the author considers services for creating images (DALL-E 2, DreamStudio, Leonardo.Ai, Adobe Firefly), presentations (Wepik, Gamma, Sendsteps), and videos (Runway, Fliki, Video AI). The article also notes that the advantages of using AI-based services to generate visual learning content include reducing the time spent on teacher preparation for a lesson, as well as creating visual aids that are difficult or impossible to find on the Internet. The following disadvantages are also highlighted: the lack of interface adaptation, the ability to specify a textual description or actually generate content in Ukrainian, and the inconsistency of the content with reality.References
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