Contemporary issues and general features of scientific and technical translation in modern conditions of globalization
scientific and technical terminology, term, scientific and technical text, grammatical transformation, translation lexical transformationsAbstract
the article deals with general features and specifics of scientific and technical literature translation. It is known that the specificity of scientific and technical translation is mainly the transmission of linguistic and stylistic features peculiar to certain genres of scientific and technical literature. Most linguists define this type of translation as a unique type of activity, which is distinguished by its functional characteristics, rather than stylistic or genre features. Therefore, an attempt is made to identify the main difficulties that arise when translating scientific and technical texts from German into Ukrainian. In order to perform such a translation successfully, it is necessary to take into account the main characteristics of the scientific style in general and the difficulties that may arise in the translation process, as well as to use the adaptive strategies. The translation of a technical text involves a number of requirements and features that the translator must identify and explain in an accessible manner. For a technical translator, language knowledge is mainly represented by terms and special vocabulary, while the most typical lexical feature is the use of abundant special terms and terminological phrases. The author pays attention to the study of the main methods of translation lexical transformations and grammatical features in the process of rendering of German professional texts of various fields. The features of scientific and technical terminology have been considered, the peculiarities of formation and translation of various types of terms have been analyzed.References
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