Heuristic Teaching Methods Of Professional Junior Bachelors In Software Engineering
heuristic methods, heuristic methods, heuristic training, professional bachelors in software engineeringAbstract
The article theoretically substantiates the methods of heuristic training of professional bachelors in software engineering. The historical aspect of the origin of heuristics is realized. Scientific and methodological literature on this issue is analyzed. The main definitions of the heuristic learning theory are revealed. The meaning of the concepts: "heuristics", "heuristic learning" is specified. The main methods and techniques of professional junior bachelors’ readiness formation of in software engineering for heuristic activity in the process of professional training are indicated. The application of heuristic methods of professional junior bachelors in software engineering is argued. The solution of many problems of different CAS and systems of automation of mathematical calculations is defined. The specificity of professional disciplines in the IT field is directly related to abstraction, algorithmic modeling and database structures. The study of educational and methodological literature on the topic of graduation work and the development of existing experience of teachers on this topic and its use in their activities, gave the opportunity to determine the main directions of further work and use the results of this study. preparation of future bachelors of software engineering. The expected pedagogical effect from the use of еру heuristic activities is stated: increasing the motivation of professional junior bachelors in software engineering to heuristic activities; increasing their interest in self-development and self-improvement.
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