Practical aspects of the independent work of the accompanist




individual approach, accompanist, concertmaster activity, independent work, performing experience


The content of the article is devoted to the study of the features of accompanist activity, namely the practical aspects of independent individual work. Due to the fact that research on the individual independent work of specialists in the art field, namely accompaniment, is not enough, the author of the article, on the basis of his own experience and performing practice, outlined and described practical recommendations for accompanists in independent work on the study of a musical work. The article reveals important aspects of the work of the accompanist. The personal qualities, abilities and skills that an accompanist must have for full-fledged professional activity are described. The article highlights the main components of the individual independent work of the accompanist, techniques and methods for improving his professional skills. A certain range of tasks and methods is outlined when working in a vocal class, a choral conducting class, with choral groups and instrumentalists. The main means of overcoming difficulties when working with musical works and texts are analyzed, namely a deep knowledge of the theory and history of music, pedagogy, psychology and musical performance, as well as the use of modern musical technologies. The article outlined and described the stages of the accompanist's independent work - learning and playing a musical work. His own method of studying the piano part is revealed. Seven stages of individual work were considered, each of which describes the sequence of actions and methods for improving the study of one’s own part, namely: familiarization with a piece of music; learning and playing in your own party; study of the soloist's part; playing with a soloist; joint performance of a piece of music; concert preparation and, in fact, concert performance of the program.


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How to Cite

Boіko I. (2024). Practical aspects of the independent work of the accompanist. International Science Journal of Education & Linguistics, 3(4), 1–6.