Social - psychological support of persons with special needs in vocational and technical education institutions
inclusive education, professional education, special educational needs, individual approach, social integration, psychological and pedagogical support, educational process, adaptation of methodsAbstract
Inclusive education in professional educational institutions is an important aspect of the modern educational system, which requires significant changes in approaches to learning and organization of the educational process. In the context of the rapid development of inclusive education, vocational education institutions must adapt traditional teaching methods to ensure equal access to educational services for all students, including those with special educational needs. The main tasks of inclusive education are ensuring the professional development of students taking into account their individual needs, creating a positive microclimate in the educational environment and providing the necessary psychological and pedagogical support. Ensuring the social integration of students and creating conditions for their active participation in educational and production processes is also an important aspect. The successful implementation of inclusive education depends on an individual approach, which includes taking into account the peculiarities of the development of each student, using adapted teaching methods and providing a comfortable learning environment. The article examines the main principles of organizing inclusive education in professional educational institutions, which include an individual approach to students, adaptation of educational programs and methods, as well as the importance of providing psychological support for the successful socialization and education of students with special needs.References
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