Modern methods and imperatives of education in post-covid and war times: challenges, norms and conditions of an effective educational process




technology, modern methods of education, digitalization, education in Ukraine, method of education, the mechanism of implementation of the educational process, martial law


The article describes the educational process and the current mechanism for realizing the right to education in the state, which operates on the basis of the Constitution and legislation of sovereign Ukraine, in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 07/28/2023 No. 782 "The beginning of the academic year during martial law in Ukraine", in educational institutions. The issue of the security situation in each separate administrative-territorial unit of the educational process was raised. The peculiarities of the educational process under martial law and control measures are well known, however, the regulatory component and the "letter of the law" is only one of the necessary methods of implementing education. Another, no less important aspect here is the coordination of methods and the very form of implementation of education, which has been significantly changed since the period of the Covid epidemic - 2019 and now, so we will talk about digital mechanisms of contact and interaction, digitalization and forms of education in 2024, during martial law. The purpose of writing the article is to highlight the problems and evaluate the changes in the educational process at all levels, to analyze the methods of mutual exchange that began during the epidemic and are successfully functioning today, during the shortage of electricity, the necessary conditions for staying in the bomb shelter, anxiety, etc.


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How to Cite

Kniaziev, D. (2024). Modern methods and imperatives of education in post-covid and war times: challenges, norms and conditions of an effective educational process. International Science Journal of Education & Linguistics, 3(5), 9–16.