Independence as an indicator of the subjectivity of a child of older preschool age
independent work, independence, older preschoolers, child's subjectivity, creative activity, nature of communication, interaction of preschool education institution with parentsAbstract
The article describes the peculiarities of the development of older preschool children in the context of raising their independence and proves that independence is an indicator of the subjectivity of a child of this age. In general, independence is defined by scientists as the ability for independent actions, deeds, etc.; as a generalized property of the individual, manifested in initiative, criticality and associated with the active work of thoughts, feelings and will; as a willful property of the individual, the ability to systematize, plan, regulate and actively carry out one's activities; as a property consisting in the ability to go beyond situational behavioral restrictions and role prescriptions (achievement motivation). It is emphasized that, like any character logical trait, independence is formed on the basis of (and is related to) various mental processes (cognitive and volitional, understanding, decision-making, its implementation, development of the child's intellectual abilities, striving for independence, independent behavior) , and its core is considered to be strong-willed personality traits. It was established that the following are the main psychological mechanisms of independence in preschool age: identification, differentiation, pride, decantation, and its important factors are: emotional and valuable attitude to one's own successes; elements of self-control and self-regulation; development of reflective features of a growing personality; the need for recognition of activity results; a sense of pride in one's own achievements and their motivation. It has been proven that the role of creative activity in the development of the independence of a child of older preschool age is related to problem tasks, problem situations, logical tasks that put preschoolers in conditions of independent search for solutions, stimulate their independence of thinking, flexibility of mind, develop their creative abilities , encourage children to explain their answers, reasoning, activate their mental activity, put them in the conditions of the need to consider phenomena from different angles, search for different solutions.
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