The research of autonomous learning aptitude of students of economic specialities
aptitude, autonomy, levels of autonomy, learning process, technologies, higher education, motivation, autonomy formationAbstract
The article deals with the concept of autonomous learning in the context of teaching students majoring in economics and a study of the readiness of higher education students for autonomous learning was conducted. It is determined that autonomy means the ability to be responsible for a productive learning and provides an opportunity to choose materials, resources, learning strategies, taking into account students’ individual needs and opportunities, while predicting personal control over the content, process and results of studying. A survey on the readiness of students for the autonomous learning in the process of studying selective disciplines showed the students’ low ability to plan their own learning activities and almost complete lack of ability to adapt to the changes of a learning context. At the same time, a high percentage of students who can form their own learning goals and evaluate the results of their own learning was identified. The survey also demonstrated the respondents' high willingness to identify their own weaknesses in their learning process and the average level of motivation for own studying. It is generally known that motivation is considered as an important factor in the development of autonomous learning. It is noted that internal and external motivation can affect the end result of learning. It is concluded that the formation of the competence of autonomous learning is one of the priority tasks of higher education, since it meets the needs of the society in specialists capable to autonomously acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, adapt to constantly changing professional conditions.
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