A synergistic approach to the formation of pedagogical competence of the future psychologist
self-education, self-organization, pedagogical competence, synergistic approach, future psychologistAbstract
In this article, it is substantiated that one of the most effective methods in shaping the pedagogical competence of a future psychologist is a synergistic approach, which involves changing the paradigmatic foundations of human spirituality. Self-organizing systems are able not only to change their structure, but also the algorithm of their functioning according to the conditions and purpose: they are open and non-linear. Among the various approaches to solving the problem of pedagogical knowledge in the training of psychologists, we highlight such as acmeological, integrative, systemic, activity, informational, and synergistic. The results of the study show that the synergistic approach is the most important component of the new educational paradigm. The synergetic paradigm is aimed at overcoming linear thinking, which mainly prevails in most humanities, in particular pedagogy, it allows making a number of generalizations: self-organization in the pedagogical aspect means self-education, learning has a resonant nature, according to which an accelerated transition to new modified structures of knowledge and behavior is carried out ; thinking changes, which become non-linear and alternative; functioning of pedagogical systems includes elements of organization and self-organization, etc. A rather clear dependence is revealed: the use of a synergistic approach has a positive effect on the pedagogical competence of psychologists and allows to improve the quality of the results of training in professional disciplines. Therefore, the amount of pedagogical knowledge used in psychology has a tendency to constantly grow. Such growth can be explained by the fact that more and more psychological processes and phenomena can be described with the help of pedagogical models. Visualization of psychological processes with the help of computers allows them to be better understood and analyzed in more detail. Therefore, there is every reason to claim that a similar tendency to increase the volume of pedagogical knowledge takes place in the following years. Some pedagogic topics have a high degree of correlation and require more detailed research. For a detailed study, we choose two topics from pedagogy with the maximum and minimum interaction indicators, respectively, for the cycle of psychological disciplines. The cycle includes five psychological topics. The degree of correlation under the conditions of using a synergistic approach increases significantly, which has a positive effect on both pedagogical and psychological knowledge and skills. It is substantiated that one of the most effective is a synergistic approach, which involves changing the paradigmatic foundations of human spirituality, based on the fact that self-organizing systems are capable of changing not only their structure, but also the algorithm of their functioning in accordance with the conditions and purpose: they are open and non-linear.References
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