Innovative interactive technologies in the process of learning foreign languages
brainstorming, web quests, project method, trainings, case technologies, online resources, multimedia resourcesAbstract
The article examines modern innovative interactive technologies that contribute to the effective learning of foreign languages. The author analyzes various methods and tools used to activate the learning process, in particular, the use of online resources, multimedia tools, mobile applications, brainstorming, web quests, project method, trainings and case technologies. The importance of interactive methods is emphasized, which allow to ensure the active participation of students in the learning process, motivate them to practical use of the language and contribute to the development of communication skills. The author emphasizes the use of digital technologies to create situations that are as close as possible to the real language environment, which allows students to effectively practice speaking skills in contexts that go beyond traditional textbooks. The advantages of innovative technologies in the formation of intercultural competence and the development of critical thinking in students are also considered. The article highlights new approaches to learning foreign languages, as well as the introduction of advanced technologies into the educational process to increase its efficiency and accessibility.References
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