Paradoxes of modern science: challenges, consequences, and solutions in social and behavioral sciences
scientific paradoxes, social sciences, behavioral sciences, methodology, data interpretation, scientific complexity, modern scienceAbstract
This study investigates the paradoxes present in contemporary social and behavioral sciences, which have emerged due to the rapid evolution of modern science. These paradoxes manifest across various dimensions, including methodological approaches, data interpretation, and the organization of scientific institutions. By differentiating between scientific paradoxes, which arise from the complexity of studied phenomena and theoretical models, and paradoxes about science, which pertain to structural and organizational aspects, this research aims to offer a nuanced understanding of these phenomena. The study utilized a mixed-methods design combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to ensure the reliability and depth of findings. Empirical methods included surveys, focus groups, individual interviews, and semi-structured interviews. Conducted in three stages, the research began with a pilot study to validate a newly developed survey instrument. This was followed by large-scale quantitative data collection through structured questionnaires, and finally, qualitative analysis via focus groups and in-depth interviews to explore the nature of paradoxes and contradictions in scientific practice. For example, participants engaged in case-based tasks to assess their analytical thinking and understanding of scientific paradoxes. Results demonstrate the critical importance of developing theoretical models to analyze scientific paradoxes and offer practical recommendations for researchers and institutions to navigate these challenges effectively. This research contributes to the discourse by providing a comprehensive framework for understanding paradoxes in modern social and behavioral sciences, proposing strategies to resolve them, and underscoring the value of combining methodological rigor with contextual insights.References
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