Peculiarities of using abbreviations in Spanish in the field of "cybersecurity" (based on the discourse of social networks in Mexico)
abbreviation, Spanish language, cybersecurity, social networksAbstract
The abstract of the article is devoted to the analysis of the use of abbreviations in the Spanish language in the field of the discipline "cybersecurity" on the material of social networks. The study clarified the classification and historical aspects of abbreviations, the oldest references to abbreviations and methods of abbreviations in the first church sources. An analysis of the literature on the topic of abbreviations in general, as well as in the Spanish language, was conducted. An analysis of the scientific literature on the topic of abbreviations in the field of cybersecurity also showed a lack of works. Also, in the process of studying the terminology on the topic of cybersecurity, it was found that the rapid development and relevance of the discipline implies a lack of scientific research in the field of linguistics and special translation. A study of narrowly focused abbreviations in the field of cybersecurity was conducted using a continuous sampling method on the material of social networks. 192 publications were analyzed, three main ways of using abbreviations were identified: the english version of the abbreviation-term without specifying the spanish equivalent or translation; english abbreviation-term along with Spanish equivalent explanation; spanish equivalent or translation of the abbreviation. Thus, in the conclusions of the study, it was noted that the equal use of both variants of the abbreviations independently and separately from each other (English and Spanish translation of the analogue) gives grounds to suggest that the long age of the abbreviation is directly proportional to the tendency to influence the emergence of the Spanish analogue as well as the rooting and assimilation of the well-known English variant of the abbreviation. Also, the work emphasized the tendency towards linguistic economy, in most publications the translation or Spanish equivalent of abbreviations in the field of cybersecurity was not used. During the study, a tendency towards linguistic economy was observed, most did not use the translation or spanish equivalent of abbreviations in the field of cybersecurity.References
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