Innovative forms of group and classroom work for the development of creative competence of young people
forms of communicative creativity, creative abilities, creative competence, senkan, situational modelingAbstract
The article focuses on the peculiarities of the development of students creative abilities during Ukrainian language and literature classes as well as Ukrainian language classes (professionally oriented) and also via extracurricular activities; actual means of implementing this problem to solving the main educational tasks are determined, in particular, new approaches to group work in modern educational institutions and forms of interaction with participants of the educational process with the aim of developing and forming of future specialists creative competence . The main components of working with talented youth are also determined, ways to overcome communicative instability through the involvement of students in group work and creative homework as well as projects are suggested. Attention is focused on those changes of the educational process content that should be made to improve the work of subject circles in institutions of higher and professional pre-higher education. The teacher’s creative role in choosing forms and methods of working with creative groups and projects is taken into account. Examples of mass events, extracurricular forms of work, creative exercises and tasks that were practically used during training and educational work are given. The author's material, creative assets of the teacher and his students are used. The systematic work of creative workshops, the interaction of the teacher and students of education, the peculiarities of modeling problematic tasks, professional production situations are disclosed. All of these factors create a prospect of studying of the developing youth creativity and professional flexibility problem. There are no incapable children, there is a shortage of teachers who would see and reveal their talent. And for this, there must be the teacher’s desire and the opportunity, the choice of forms, methods, means for education and training. It has been proven that educational cooperation is necessary, during which the development of creative thinking takes place, which enables young people to see what does not yet exist, but what can be created by them (to search for the unknown, new, mysterious, unusual). Creative thinking, creative abilities are formed through creative activity.
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