Do You Like Children? (Self-assessment by a teacher of his/her own feelings towards children)
love, children, adults, need, communication, self-analysis, self-evaluation, emotions, professional activityAbstract
The article revealed the results of a 5-year study of the problem of the adults’ love for early and preschool age children in the family envitonment and in the context of pedagogically oriented education in conditions of modern preschool educational institutions. Collected, analyzed and interpreted theoretical studies and practical facts of the afults’ love manifestations for children or their absence testify to the importance and necessity of researching this problem. The study concept was built on the basis of a personally oriented approach, which was implemented in the self-assessment and self-analysis of activities by the teacher of the preschool educational institution. It has been established that children need the love of adults from an early age. This need grows with age, and is realized by preschoolers. Children want and expect love from adults and suffer from not receiving it in sufficient volume. At the same time, it was determined that professional teachers underestimate their own ability to love their pupils and, accordingly, not all of them satisfy this urgent need of children. It is proposed to add to the program of self-improvement of the teacher’s professional skills and abilities the following: increasing the level of effectiveness of communication methods, mastering new ways of interacting with children, finding individual ways of effective communication. It has been established that verbal communication with children should take place with the help of clear friendly speech with expressive pronunciation of words and sentences and facial expressions that cause trust and a desire to establish friendly relations. Children of early preschool age have a constant need for tactile sensations that enhance the pleasure of affection and love of adults and try to satisfy their need for them. The developed, researched and recommended tools for self-analysis and self-assessment by teachers of their own manifestations of love or indifference to children should be used to enrich communication of adults with children with humane positive emotions in the process of various types of professional activity.
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