Interactive toys-the choice of children of the 3rd year and an incentive for their development
choice, children, early age, development, games, toys: interactive, figurative, constructionAbstract
Common household items based on digital technologies and their analogues are interactive toys that attract children from an early age and encourage them to act with them. And it is not yet known whether it is advisable to introduce them into the use of children. That is why the article raises the problem of the need and expediency of using interactive toys in children's games. It was found out that in modern foreign and domestic psychological and pedagogical research, the mechanisms of "digital toys", their place and role in educational work with children of preschool and school age were mainly studied. Researchers have ignored the feasibility of using interactive toys by children from an early age. To find out, the goal is to identify the possibilities of interactive toys in the development of play activities at the stage of its formation in children of the 3rd year of life. The study found that the children develop an interest in interactive toys from the first year of life. Throughout early childhood, cognitive interest develops, which encourages children to be selective in various vital areas, including in the game sphere. Based on the study, it is traced that children of the 3rd year choose interactive toys among others precisely for interactive signs: sound, movement, light signals, shape that encourages them to move. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of children's choice of interactive toys, it is proved that the choice is also determined by the psychological and physical capabilities of children themselves, which an interactive toy encourages them to implement: communicate with it, listen to the sound of music, songs, push the toy and move themselves, and react emotionally to the actions of a "live toy". That is, such a toy with its signals organically fits into the natural world of the child and activates its feasible activities. Traditional figurative and construction toys do not contain such activating abilities, but children to make their own efforts, who are not mature enough at this age. Children of the 3rd year have already mastered and outgrown the subject actions that they performed with these toys in the 1st and 2nd years of life. And the imagination of children of the 3rd year does not yet ensure the creation of mental images with these toys: adults with figurative toys, structures and images with construction toys. That is, children are not yet able to carry out game activities in expanded forms. It is likely that this is why such toys are out of the choice of children of the 3rd year compared to interactive toys. They will be fully used by children in the following age periods.The above analysis and reasoning does not exclude all types of toys from the games of young children. Each of the types develops children to the best of their age ability and is appropriate according to the choice of the children themselves.References
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