Moral warnings for young people on the example of George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984"
dystopia novel, influence of the system on a person, totalitarian regime, youthAbstract
Іn the article, Svitlana Romanchuk identifies the features of the dystopia novel genre, investigates the reasons for George Orwell's appeal to this particular literary device. The author emphasizes the dominant influence of the system on a person in the novel "1984". It skillfully conveys the senseless struggle between the human personality and the system, which encompasses all spheres of social life. The work emphasizes that the dominance of the system over man in the novel "1984" consists in stimulating readers to think about the issues of freedom, individuality and control. Orwell predicts a future where the role of man becomes secondary to the ruthless mechanism of the system. An important aspect of the proposed scientific research is the actualization of this problem in the modern world. The author "fills" the tiara "power is a person" with the inner experiences of a young person who is just stepping on the threshold of adulthood. Having found ourselves "in the hands" of a ruthless totalitarian system, it is important not to forget the need to fight for individuality and freedom of thought. The moral warnings promoted by George Orwell in the dystopian novel "1984" are currently relevant, because every day we observe the spread of fake news and manipulation techniques, the collection of personal data and the concentration of power in the hands of a limited group of individuals. Svitlana Romanchuk analyzes 5 signs of totalitarianism, which Orwell warns against: (1) substitution of reality; (2) total tracking; (3) torture as a means of persuasion; (4) disregard for human life; (5) total fear. These signs were fully manifested in the Russian-Ukrainian war. It is concluded that this novel became a kind of catalyst for deep discussions about power, freedom and limits of individuality in the modern world.
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