The role of the cognitive-communicative approach in the study of foreign languages by students
cognitive-communicative approach, communicative approach, linguistic skills, foreign languageAbstract
Modern life requires knowledge of a foreign language from each of us, especially young people. The need for its study increased after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The article examines the peculiarities of foreign language learning (English, French, Spanish, German, etc.) by Ukrainian students. Scientific intelligence analyzes a significant volume of scientific works devoted to the characteristics of approaches related to the specified problem. For the most effective study, the author suggests using a cognitive-communicative approach. Svitlana Romanchuk presents convincing arguments regarding the use of a cognitive-communicative approach when students/listeners study different language levels. Cognitive and communicative methods are aimed at fulfilling the main task of language education under modern conditions - the formation of communicative competence of a language learner, and fully corresponds to the European guidelines on language education. Each of these methods has its own tasks, but, being integrated, they perform the main function - the formation and further development of a linguistic personality on the basis of continuous language education. The results of the proposed study also discuss the role of the cognitive-communicative approach to foreign language learning by Ukrainian students. The author came to the conclusion that the use of the cognitive-communicative approach contributes to the faster and easier acquisition of a foreign language by students. Svitlana Romanchuk also offered some methodological "strokes" (exercises) that present the approach discussed in the article and are effective when learning a foreign language.References
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