Features of training bachelors in teaching the discipline “Mechanical and technological properties of agricultural materials”
mechanical and technological properties of agricultural materials, bachelor, optimization results, effectiveness of the educational processAbstract
The results of the optimization educational and methodological complex for the preparation of bachelors in teaching the discipline "Mechanical and technological properties of agricultural materials" were considered. The results of studying the discipline and the list of basic competencies necessary for its mastery are described. The main results of the optimization of the educational and methodological complex of teaching the discipline "Mechanical and technological properties of agricultural materials" were considered, and directions for improving the educational process were proposed. The educational process must be carried out on the basis of new teaching methods. One of the promising methods used in innovative engineering education is "contextual learning", when motivation to acquire knowledge is achieved by building relationships between specific knowledge and its application. The experiential learning method is an opportunity for students of higher education to connect their experience with the subject of study. This allows higher education students to focus on analyzing and solving a specific situation, which is important in the learning process. A problematic situation motivates students as much as possible to obtain the knowledge necessary to solve it. The research results are implemented in the educational process of the Higher Educational Institution "". The further development of research on the training of higher education graduates of the educational degree "Bachelor" in the teaching of the discipline "Mechanical and technological properties of agricultural materials" was obtained.References
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