Model of information-communication competence of future agricultural engineering specialists in professional training
model, components, environment, competence, specialist, agricultural engineering, experimentAbstract
One of the components of professional competence is information and communication competence, the development of which determines the ability of future agricultural technology specialists to effectively interact in the agricultural environment with their colleagues and managers. This especially applies to mandatory components of professional training, in particular the disciplines: "Innovative technologies for the production of agricultural products", "Agrarian service and information support", "Methods of scientific research", "Analysis of technological systems", "Modeling of technological processes and systems" and others as the most universal basic disciplines. To provide fundamental theoretical and practical training of highly qualified personnel who would acquire in-depth professional knowledge to perform professional tasks and duties of a scientific, research and innovative nature in the field of agricultural engineering. Acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge, abilities, skills and other competencies sufficient for solving problems and producing new ideas in the field of agricultural engineering, operation and service and repair of agricultural machinery. Training of specialists capable of developing and using modern technologies for the creation, operation and repair of objects of agricultural machinery. Conducting theoretical and practical scientific research, which determines the possibility of further acquisition of the third (educational and scientific) level, acquisition of primary skills of pedagogical activities, etc. The purpose of this research is a model of introducing the information and communication competence of future agricultural engineering specialists of agricultural higher educational institutions into the educational process, aimed at the formation and development of professional training. The conducted pedagogical experiment confirmed that the implementation of pedagogical conditions, the implementation of experimental methods of forming the informational and communicative competence of future agricultural engineering specialists in the process of professional training made it possible to achieve significant changes in the levels of formation of the studied phenomenon in the experimental group compared to the control group. A comparison of the data obtained at the ascertainment and control stages of the experiment revealed that in the experimental group the results of the formation of the informational and communicative competence of future agricultural engineering specialists improved significantly: at a sufficient level, they increased by 6.0%, at a satisfactory level - by 8.0%, at the low end, the results decreased by 14.0%. In the control group, there were also positive changes in the levels of formation of informational and communicative competence of future agricultural engineering specialists: at a sufficient level, the results increased by 1.0%, at a satisfactory level - by 2.0%, at a low level, they decreased by 3.0%. The positive dynamics of the level of knowledge, revealed as a result of experimental verification, gives grounds to affirm the effectiveness of the proposed organizational and pedagogical conditions and methods of forming the informational and communicative competence of future agricultural engineering specialists in the process of training, professional training.References
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