Formation of professional competence of future agricultural engineering specialists when studying the discipline of machine and equipment maintenance


  • Sergiі Hrushetskyі Department of Agricultural Engineering and Systems Engineering named after Mykhailo Samokysh, Institution of Higher Education "Podilskyi State University", Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Mysiv Department of Tractors, Automobiles and Power Equipment, Higher Education Institution "Podilskyi State University", Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine



competence, professional orientation, professional training, specialist, agricultural engineering


The article considers the problem of forming the professional competence of future agricultural engineering specialists in the discipline "Maintenance of machines and equipment". The main emphasis is placed on the integration and creation of a methodological guideline for the selection of conditions for the process of implementation and development of its technology with the help of a controlled didactic system. The effectiveness of the model of formation of professional competence in future specialists of agricultural engineering during the study of the discipline "Maintenance of machines and equipment" has been scientifically substantiated and experimentally verified. The proposed model is based on the requirements of the social order of society and stakeholders of the agrarian industry, on highly qualified specialists who are characterized by professional responsibility, readiness for effective and creative performance of their professional duties. The input link of our research is the goal - professional training in educational institutions of future agricultural engineering specialists for the technical maintenance of machines and equipment in accordance with the current and prospective needs of the branches of the economy, the state in the conditions of globalization in accordance with the international requirements of technical regulation. The basis of the research is theoretical (comparative analysis of scientific-methodical and pedagogical literature) and empirical (observation, analysis and generalization of pedagogical learning experience) methods. The psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the developed models in the process of studying these disciplines are defined and theoretically substantiated. The effectiveness of the developed logical models and their influence on the components of professional competence, which is carried out due to the application of approaches to the assimilation of scientific knowledge, the use of integration learning technologies, as well as the increase of cognitive activity, the motivation of students to study the discipline of machine and equipment maintenance, have been proven. The developed technologies for the formation of professional competence in the discipline "Maintenance of machines and equipment" allow to significantly increase the level of professional knowledge of the future engineer of agro-industrial production.


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How to Cite

Hrushetskyі S., & Mysiv, O. (2024). Formation of professional competence of future agricultural engineering specialists when studying the discipline of machine and equipment maintenance. International Science Journal of Education & Linguistics, 3(4), 25–35.



Theory, practice and methods of education