Reading in English as a means of developing analytical skills of future IT professionals
analytical skills, foreign language, English language, reading, types of reading, IT technologies, working with text, stages of working with textAbstract
The article describes the preliminary results of the development of a pedagogical system for the formation of analytical abilities of future computer specialists. Professional research allows to identify the abilities that ensure the success of professional activity. The results of the study reveal contradictions that actualise the need to update the content of professional education and find effective means of improving the quality of professional training of computer science specialists in higher education institutions. The professional activity of an IT specialist requires the use of databases, the use of a foreign language to create computer programs, information search, obtaining constantly updated information from original sources in a foreign language, independent continuing education and improving professional skills. Therefore, the development of analytical skills of future computer specialists in the educational process in a foreign language is of great importance and contributes to the successful implementation of a specialist in professional activities. Analytical skills are important for each component as they are used to extract knowledge from practice. The implementation of the system of developing analytical skills in future computer science specialists in the process of learning a foreign language allows us to draw preliminary conclusions that the process of learning a foreign language will contribute to the development of analytical skills necessary for professional growth, successful self-improvement based on the analysis of their activities (reflective component), improvement of knowledge (cognitive component), obtaining and processing information (informative component), and effective use of information resources (informational component). The development of analytical skills determines the readiness of a computer science specialist for professional activity and ensures the ability to effectively solve various professional problems.References
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